For several years, we have been a prominent player in the local market, specializing in Sportswear uniform production. Today, we proudly extend our reach to the international market.

Our journey began with a commitment to quality and a passion for providing athletes and sports enthusiasts with top-notch apparel. Over the years, we have cultivated our expertise, honed our skills, and invested in cutting-edge technology to ensure that every product we deliver is a testament to our dedication.

Our Strengths:

  • In-House Production: We boast a complete in-house production setup, allowing us to oversee every aspect of the manufacturing process. This hands-on approach ensures quality control and allows us to meet the highest standards.
  • Advanced Sublimation Printing: Our state-of-the-art sublimation printing technology enables us to create vivid, durable, and customized designs that stand out on the field.
  • Best Heat Transfer System: We employ the industry’s best heat transfer system to guarantee that logos, names, and designs stay vibrant and intact even after rigorous use.
  • Expert Stitching: Our team of skilled stitchers pays meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every seam is perfect, and every uniform is comfortable and durable.
  • Complete Customization: We understand that every customer has unique requirements. That’s why we offer fully customizable solutions, tailoring our products to meet your specific demands.

Coach`s Welcome

Before you can build an effective team, you need high-performing players. So next time you consider hiring a new employee, revisit these 4 characteristics. If you have an open floor plan, you may not want to hire someone who is extremely introverted or accustomed to working remotely.
James O. Spiceman

Officials and fouls

The seven officials on the field are each tasked with a different set of responsibilities:

  • The referee is positioned behind and to the side of the offensive backs.
  • The umpire is positioned in the defensive backfield, except in the NFL

Our Customer saying
